Santa Cruz Swing

Learn to partner dance, meet people, & have a good time

About Us

Santa Cruz Swing began in response to the growing interest and excitement the Santa Cruz community has shown for swing dancing. 


The teachers and those who have supported SC Swing have been partner dancing and swing dancing for over a decade and want to bring the silly, playful, fun nature of swing dancing to the dance floor.

Upcoming 6 Week Series

September 5th - October 10th

Beginner PLUS Swing


This class is for those who already have some swing dance experience. You should be familiar with 6 and 8 count basic steps and be working to incorporate both into a single dance. In this class we will add variations to moves taught in the beginner class and we will introduce new and more advanced moves and sequences. We will also work on connection, styling, and musicality. We will expect you to know basic 6 and 8 count steps and therefore will not be going over it in class. 

If you have recently taken our beginner class and want a little more challenge this class will be perfect for you! If you have taken our intermediate class, consider taking this class to work on mastering some fundamentals OR take this class and dance the opposite role for a fun switch! 

Note: this is focused on East Coast Swing and Lindy Hop, NOT West Coast Swing.

6 week series, September 5th - October 10th, 2024

Thursdays, 7pm – 8pm. Followed by a social dance until 9:00pm.

At the 418 Project in Downtown Santa Cruz.

Intermediate Swing

The Intermediate class will NOT be offered in September. Consider taking the beginning PLUS class to work on fundamentals, or try dancing the other role :).

This class is for you if you are looking to take your swing dancing up a notch. You should already be able to dance 6-count, 8-count, and basic Charleston. You likely took the Beginner class already, and are able to dance everything you learned there on the social dance floor. In this class, we'll further develop our Lindy Hop fundamentals and add variations. 

Note: this is focused on East Coast Swing and Lindy Hop, NOT West Coast Swing.

Social Dances & Live Band Nights

During our 6-Week Dance Series we host social dances from 8:00pm - 9:00pm immediately following the dance lessons at the 418 Project

Students from the lessons get into the dances for free. Dancers from the general public are welcome to join as well, for $5 during a regular DJ'd social, and $10 on band night. 

There is no band scheduled for our September 5th - October 10th series. 

Other great opportunities to social dance in Santa Cruz:

See our Swing Calendar for more events

(and for info on how to add your own events to the calendar)


Everyone of all ages, colors, and genders is welcome at these dances! We value a respectful and safe atmosphere. Please talk to one of the teachers or administrators if something happens that feels uncomfortable. 

Some additional helpful notes:

Recap Videos From Past Classes

See More Swing In Action

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